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'He who does not travel does not know the value of men.'

– Moorish proverb

Family vacation  . . . . two words that evoke anxiety and general uneasiness. Add Europe to that equation and we’re talking sleepless nights.


So when the decision was made to go to Portugal and Spain, the wanderlust thoughts of exploring Lisbon, Madrid and Seville were quickly tempered by the thoughts of getting there, luggage . . .  and the planes, trains and automobiles needed to get around in-country. Nevertheless, we carried on. Full disclosure, my family did offer that we could pass on Europe and park it on a beach somewhere — pass.

The result was a once in a lifetime experience traipsing through cobblestone streets of Portugal & Spain lugging steamer trunks from the titanic with my beautiful wife and two daughters.

Here’s what I learned:


 . . . . Not all Tapas are good — but all Spanish and Portuguese wines are.


 . . . . history is best learned on location.


 . . . . staying in local neighborhoods kicks ass over a hotel zone.


 . . . . when it comes to packing – light is right.


 . . . . getting lost is a good thing.


 . . . . and long vacations with your family shouldn’t be avoided — just done in moderation.


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